
Directions to Cocopah RV & Golf Resort
6800 Strand Avenue, Yuma AZ 85364

Google Map Link

GPS Coordinates:
N 32' 43.97"
W 114' 41.5"

Use the Cocopah water tower as a landmark, and we'll be easy to find!


From I-8 & 4th Ave Exit: (quickest route)
Just take 4th Ave Exit off I-8, head right (south) to the 1st St. stop light. Go right (West) on 1st St. for 2.7 miles (this includes a road curve to the left (South) for the last block); go right (West) on Riverside Drive (see our large sign on the right) for 1.4 miles to the end of the road. Look for our water tower on the right. Use it as a landmark. Go right (North) on Strand Ave. 0.3 miles, driving over a canal. We're at the end of the road--nestled between the Colorado River and the agricultural fields--in a wonderful peaceful rural setting, yet close to town and shopping.

From I-8, Exit 2, & 16th St.:
(This route is longer and has more traffic, but it passes restaurants, fast food, grocery & drug stores.)
Take 16th St., Exit 2, off I-8, go West about 3 miles along 16th St. with gas stations, restaurants and grocery stores. At Avenue B, turn Right (North) and go 1 mile to 8th St. Go Left (West) on 8th St. for just over 2 miles. Look for our water tower on the right, using it as a landmark. A block after the avenue D canal crossing, turn Right (North) on Hope Street (on the right--look for the Cocopah sign), go Left at the T which is Riverside Dr. Go North on Strand Ave. 0.3 miles, driving over a canal. We're at the end of the road--nestled between the Colorado River and the agricultural fields--in a wonderful peaceful rural setting, yet close to town and shopping.