Golf Shop

Cocopah RV and Golf Resort features the finest in golf fashion and leading edge golf equipment. 

Golf shop merchandise diversity really reaches out to women with a wonderful selection of the finest golf fashions featuring Jamie Sadock, EP Pro, Golfstream, Annika, Swing and Footjoy golf apparel and footwear. The shop's hard goods selection features the entire Acushnet Family of products; Titleist, Cobra, Cleveland, Ping and Footjoy. Our fabulous selection of Sun Mountain products and our complete line of Bag Boy products gives every golfer the pricing and flexibility they need for purchasing all of their golfing needs.

Tee Time Reservations

Please contact the Golf Shop at (928) 343-1663

6800 S Strand Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364


We just got in 3 new styles of Nike Shoes. Both Men's and Women's. Check them out!